Winter is often a time where people experience an increase in seasonal illnesses. This winter our practices are offering a number of vaccinations to help keep you well this winter. 

Timeline for winter vaccines 

Vaccine  Invitation  Clinics 
RSV  From 1st September
Most vulnerable invited first
Then in age order 75-79
From 14th September 
Adult Flu  From 5th September Throughout October, including Saturday 5th & 12th October
Child Flu  From 4th September  21st and 27th September 
Covid  From October  Via the national booking service 


The RSV Vaccine 

The RSV vaccine is new to the UK this winter and is being offered to individuals who are aged 75-79 and pregnant women at or around 28 weeks pregnant. 

The vaccine as a one-off vaccine for those aged 75-79 and for pregnant women it will be offered in each pregnancy in order to pass on protection to their baby. 

For details on our plans for the RSV vaccine and how you can get yours please see our dedicated RSV page 

Adult Flu Vaccines 

Following scientific advice, the government have asked that no flu vaccine providers start vaccinating patients prior to the 3rd of October. This is because the latest scientific evidence shows that protection from the flu vaccine decreases over time in adults. It is therefore better to have the vaccine closer to when flu typically circulates. 

 We have several flu clinics planned at various locations starting Friday 4th of October. Invitations will be sent to eligible patients from early September to enable you to book your vaccine. 

Please note that the delivery dates we are given by vaccine manufacturers are occasionally subject to change. Each year we must balance the risk of a late delivery against giving our patients enough time to plan and book their vaccine and giving them the peace of mind that they have an appointment. We want to give patients plenty of notice and time to book their vaccines and so have planned our clinics well in advance. This does however mean that in the event of a manufacturing delay there is a small risk that we may need to move your appointment, if this were to happen we would be in touch with alternative arrangements as soon as possible.  

Full details of our flu vaccine clinics and flu eligibility can be found on our dedicated flu vaccine page

Children’s flu vaccines 

 Flu circulation in children normally starts earlier than flu circulation in adults, therefore the children’s programme will start in September. We have started to contact parents of eligible children to invite them to book an appointment. 

 Please be advised that GP practices are only allowed to vaccinate children aged 2 or 3 on the 31st of August 2024 and children aged 6 months to 17 years who are in an ‘at risk’ category. 

Children in school years R-11 will be vaccinated by the school nursing team. Further details including school nurse contact details can be found on our dedicated flu vaccine page. 

Covid Vaccines 

Planning for the national winter Covid Vaccine campaign is ongoing and it is anticipated that the campaign will start in early October. Once details are finalised, we will send information to eligible patients with details of how to book via the national booking service.

Housebound patients 

Details of vaccination plans for eligible patients who are registered as housebound can be found on the applicable RSV and Flu links above. 

Please be advised that the partnership is unable to visit patients at home for vaccination if they are not registered as housebound. To be considered housebound an individual must require the support of two people and specially adapted transport to leave their home. This means that individuals able to use a taxi or a friend or family member to leave the house (for example for shopping, hospital visits, hairdresser visits etc) will not be eligible for listing as a housebound patient. 

Whilst we appreciate that this may be frustrating for some people, we have a duty of care to provide home visiting services to those most in need. Home visits for vaccines take much longer to complete than a vaccine appointment in the surgery, so adding additional visits for people who can leave the house would be unfairly detrimental to housebound patients who may then wait longer for their vaccine. We thank you for your understanding.  

 Winter is often a time where people experience an increase in seasonal illnesses. This winter our practices are offering a number of vaccinations to help keep you well this winter.