Review of long term conditions

Annual reviews

We will automatically invite you by letter or text message for your annual review. This relates to all long term conditions including diabetes, COPD, asthma and under-active thyroid. Some annual reviews consist of a part 1 assessment including a blood test, blood pressure, height weight and so on, followed by a review with the nurse.

Interim reviews

If your condition needs closer monitoring the nurse may want to see you more frequently. Similarly if you feel your condition is not well controlled you can submit a review via eConsult to update us and trigger a consultation with our specialists. Navigate to the eConsult page, and at the bottom of the A-Z click the ‘review’ button, and select your condition.

Blood pressure reviews

If you have been asked to check your blood pressure at home you can now submit your readings via eConsult. This automatically takes your details and calculates your average blood pressure. Navigate to the eConsult page, and at the bottom of the A-Z click the ‘review’ button, and select blood pressure review.

Stay Well

More and more people are suffering from one or more long term conditions. Whether that’s you or not there is never a better time to optimise your health to stay well by stopping smoking, losing weight, and exercise!

  1. eConsult
  2. Enter Login Details
  3. Review area

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We are a team of NHS GPs and clinicians dedicated to helping you live well, throughout your life.

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