Our Foundations

bricklayingLiving Well Partnership was formed in 2017 following the merger of four different local GP surgeries. We were brought together by a growing awareness that we could deliver more streamlined medical care to our community by sharing resources rather than operating on a smaller scale as individual practices. Many of the original GP Partners continue to lead LWP today.

We are delighted that our patients have benefited from faster access to a larger range of services while achieving operational efficiencies behind the scenes.

Our Reach

We care for 45,000 adults and children across the eastern Southampton region. With eight different sites everyone has local GP access, from the inner city to the rural outskirts.

Our medical team is made up of 10 GP Partners, as well as 20 permanent Non-Principal GPs employed directly by LWP. Our GPs work alongside highly trained Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses, Health Care Assistants, Social Prescribers, Care Coordinators, Mental Health Nurses, Physiotherapists and our own in-house Pharmacy Team.

Our Vision

The health and wellbeing of our patients is at the heart of everything we do. Our goal is to provide a service that is accessible, friendly, evidence based and compassionate.

With a large and experienced multi-disciplinary team to draw on we pride ourselves that we are able to holistically address so many medical, physical, psychological and social aspects of care.

Next Generation

As a thriving Primary Care Training Hub we are passionate about supporting clinical professionals to achieve their academic and clinical potential. We may have health care assistants, nurses, pharmacy technicians, independent prescribers, medical students, newly qualified doctors and GP registrars training with us throughout the year. They are all supervised by our fully qualified team and may be involved in your care. Depending on the stage of training our learners may have close supervision or may work more independently, only discussing patients with their supervisor at the end of their shift. If for any reason you would rather not see a trainee please let us know.

Read our clinicians’ research papers, posters and more

Academic research
We are always on the look out for exceptional talent

Work with us

If you would like to work with us take a look at our careers page. And if you think your skills and attitude would be at home at LWP but can’t see a vacancy that suits you, drop us a line anyway.
