Update my details

You can pop in to your nearest LWP surgery with ID, or send in an eConsult with details of your new full address or phone number and we will update your medical record.

Please note that when you update your details on the NHS App, or if you update your details when you visit the hospital, the NHS will try to sync your details with your GP medical record.

For this reason please make sure we have an up to date mobile number for you, as we rely on text messaging to keep in contact with our patients. We like to save a few trees and postage stamps, but of course if you don’t have a mobile we will still write to you!

We often get asked if our patients can stay registered with us if they move out of our catchment area. The short answer is yes – the NHS does allow for this, but you need to be aware that we cannot do home visits to homes outside our catchment, and some referral pathways are dependent on where you live. We will only keep you registered outside of our catchment area if we can continue to give you the best care. If this is not possible we will recommend you register with a GP surgery local to you.

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We are a team of NHS GPs and clinicians dedicated to helping you live well, throughout your life.

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