Dr Bruce McManus qualified from University college London in 1998 before training locally and qualifying as a GP in 2004. At the time of writing he has 17 years experience as a GP both in normal working hours and for the out of hours GP service. This includes 13 years as a partner in both another local practice and at Living Well Partnership and a further four years experiences as a locum GP. His particular interest is medical education and assessment, both undergraduate medical students and training postgraduate junior doctor GP trainees as well as appraisal of fully qualified GPs.  He is a ‘Principal teaching fellow’ and the ‘Director of undergraduate assessments’ for the University of Southampton Faculty of Medicine, where he is responsible for overseeing / leading assessments across all years of our undergraduate programmes including the finals exams students must take and pass to qualify as junior doctors. He continues to appraise qualified GPs for the Wessex appraisal service, and continues to be involved in GP training. As a result of his significant portfolio of responsibilities outside the practice Dr McManus is a GP on the GP retainers scheme available in the practice on most Mondays. Besides his medical degree and having the MRCGP qualification he also has post graduate diplomas in care of the older person, obstetrics & gynaecology, and sexual and reproductive healthcare and a masters degree in medical education. He has published a number of articles in the field of medical education.

Outside of work he is married to a physiotherapist, and has four children who more than fill his remaining time!